
Hi there.

It's been a hot minute hasn't it? I'm still at home.  Kids are now almost 7.  

And I'm at a loss.

I feel that I need to be learning things constantly.  Even now.  In the time since I last did an update I found out my DSLR has a busted lens that I really can't afford to fix or buy a new DSLR.  That hurts.

I became a bit more musical.  Hubby bought me a Ukulele when the kids were like 3 or so and I became quite proficient with it!  Found out that I really like making music and showing the kids how to do it as well.  I'm now starting to try to become comfortable with a guitar.

I am also picking up my pencils and paints.  I tried watercolours about 12 years ago I think and was intimidated by the fact that Hubby is an artist and will always be better than me.  So I left it for years and years.  What is different now?  I need to learn new things. So in the dumpster that was 2020 I decided to do art. I'm quite happy with my progress so far.  And maybe in this forum I'll share some stuff.

So.  How have you been?


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